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Ready to run with the pack?

Apply below to be our

Home Care Coordinator

With a ✨starting✨ pay of $23/hr for ✨approximately✨ 15-20+ hours a week, & with no shortage of advancement opportunities, your role is to co-create with me ways to excel the quality of care, cleanliness, & compassion.


Your work will center around three essential pillars: loving the dogs, who trust us with their health & happiness; tending to my home, as its constant upkeep is what shelters & supports this work; &, of course, my sanity, which could use a helping paw if we intend to continue to expand.


If you’re someone who finds joy in maintaining order & bringing warmth to your work, & if being apart of an operation where every little & mundane task is a stepping stone to building a larger & more meaningful ✨empire✨, our canine crew is howling for you!


Let’s make it easier, safer, & more fun than ever for us & the pups to get diggity dog down to biz!


Click HERE to view our flyer for more details including ALL responsibilities & requirements!

Basic Contact Info

How did you hear about this position?
Friend, Family, Acquaintance, or Other Referral
What interests you most about this role & how do you see yourself contributing most to the success of this business? (click all that apply)

General Canine Care & Home Maintenance

Please select, if any, cleaning/maintenance household tasks you're either physically unable or mentally uncomfortable performing.

Dog Duties & Pet Pawtential

Would you be interested in completing the grooming training & education necessary to obtain your grooming license as to co-operate business out of my home?

Availability, Adaptability, & Leadership

Professional References & Documents

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